Special thanks to McCarthy Building Companies
Submit your poster abstract
Deadline for submission
February 12, 2025
University and college students only. However, representatives of other efforts tied to higher education projects and research are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Your abstract (250 words or less) should clearly define the objective of your presentation, briefly describe the topics to be covered, and list major conclusions or recommendations. After you submit your abstract, you will receive an email confirmation from conference staff if your poster is accepted.
Poster size and font
The maximum size for posters is 36 inches (width) by 45 inches (height). Please make sure your poster is in portrait orientation.
Text size should be no smaller than 18 pt. and that text should be readable from a 6 foot (1.8 meter) distance. Please try to use sans serif fonts such as Arial, as these are easier to read at a distance.
Provided for poster presenters:
Poster display board space and a supply of push pins for the poster boards.
Registration required
Even if your poster is accepted for inclusion at the event, you must purchase a student attendee pass. We have discounted student passes to only $225 (Over 80% off the full priced rate) and these passes include breakfast and lunch for both days of the conference, access to the exhibit hall and all educational presentations, and two evening receptions.
Please reach out via our contact form. We will reply as quickly as possible.