Posters: 2023
The following students and their posters are approved to display at the 2023 conference. Connect with the students and see their posters in the Research Demonstration Zone in the Exhibit Hall beginning Monday, March 27, at the Welcome Reception.
A Low-Damage Friction Damper for Cross-Laminated Timber Rocking Walls
Arman Tatar | Michigan Technological University
Doctorate: Structural Engineering
Applications of Optical Fibers for Stress State Evaluations of Carpentry Connections in Mass Timber Buildings
Serena van Nimwegen | Université catholique de Louvain (Catholic University of Louvain)
Doctorate: Engineering and Technology
Bio-based Polyurethane Adhesive for Cross-Laminated Timber
Manasseh Agbedam | Michigan State University, Forestry
Masters: Sustainable Bioproducts and Engineering
Connection Performance of Cellulose Cement Composite (C3) For Residential And Commercial Construction
Aime Nacoulma | Oregon State University
Masters: Civil/Structural Engineering
Deflection of Cantilever Cross-Laminated Timber Diaphragms Under In-Plane Load
Bibek Bhardwaj | Clemson University
Doctorate: Civil Engineering
Demonstrating Mass Timber for a Circular Economy: An Educational Experience
Nastaran Hasani | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Wood Science and Engineering
Direct Displacement Design of a Six-Story Mass Timber Building With Self-Centering Rocking Walls
Patricio Uarac Pinto | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Civil Engineering and Wood Science
Durability of Cross Laminated Timber: Using Dowel Bearing Strength as a Predictor of Capacity in Decayed CLT Connections
Kenneth Udele | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Wood Science
Effects of Varying Climate on the Long-Term Performance of Post-Tensioned Mass Timber Shear Wall Panels
Jacob Gesh | Oregon State University
Masters: Civil Engineering and Wood Science
Experimental Study on the Behaviour of CLT Wall-Floor Connections
Muhammad Yasir | Munster Technological University
Doctorate: Structural Engineering
Fire Behavior of Glue Laminated Beam-to-Column Connections
Sujit Bhandari | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Civil Engineering
Fringe Timber: Assessing the Carbon Footprint of Mass Timber, Steel, and Concrete Structural Prototypes for Peri-Urban Densification in the Urban Fringe of the U.S.
Eleni Stefania Kalapoda | Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation (NYC)
Masters: Architecture & Urban Design
Hygrothermal Performance Assessments of Cross-Laminated Timber Assemblies: An Experimental Study
Seyedeh Rosa Shams | British Columbia Institute of Technology
Masters: Building science
Impact of Change Orders on the Cost Performance of Mass Timber Construction Projects
Shreya Garad | Michigan State University
Masters: Construction Management
Impact of End-of-Life Pathways on the Life-Cycle Assessment of a 10-Story and a 6-Story Full-Scale Mass Timber Structure
Steven Kontra | Oregon State University
Masters: Civil Engineering, and Wood Science & Engineering
In-Plane Shear Properties of Mass Ply Panels in Long-Ply Direction
Tu Ho | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Wood Science
Insights to Inform Mass Timber Manufacturing in Michigan: Location, Feedstock Availability, Industry and Policy Response, and Economic Impacts
Ichchha Thapa | Michigan State University
Doctorate: Forestry
Investigation of Long-Term Performance of CLT (Creep)
Aaron DeSantis | Clemson University
Masters: Civil Engineering
Life-Cycle Assessment of a Middle-Income, Multifamily Cross-Laminated Timber Building: The Heartwood Project
Francesca Pierobon | University of Washington
Doctorate: Environmental and Forest Sciences
Life Cycle Assessment of Construction Process in Mass Timber Structure
Mahboobeh Hemmati | University of Arkansas
Doctorate: Environmental Dynamics
Life-Cycle Performance of Mass Timber Buildings: A Novel Mass Timber Floor System
Muzan Ijeoma | Clemson University
Doctorate: Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Long-Term Response of Wood-Based Composites in Variable Climate Conditions
Oluwafunbi Adeleye | Oregon State University
Masters: Wood Science and Engineering
Mass Ply Panel Glued-in Rod Tension Testing
Tanner Field | Oregon State University
Masters: Civil Engineering / Wood Science
Mass Timber Construction in Morocco, North Africa: Assessing a New Construction Scenario Through LCA Simulation
Leila Ouazzani | University of Oregon
Masters: Architecture
Mass Timber Joinery Design for Digital Fabrication and De-Constructability
Nathan Brown | University of Washington
Masters: Design Technology
Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Softwood & Hardwood CLTs
Esra SATIR | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Masters: Forest Products
Microprestress Theory for the Simulation of Mechanosorptive Creep in Timber
Susan-Alexis Brown | Northwestern University
Doctorate: Mechanics, Materials, and Structures in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Modular Mass Timber for Affordable Housing in US
Kaustubh Thakare | Michigan State University
Masters: Construction Management
Novel Shear Connectors for Cross-Laminated Timber-Concrete Composite Floors
Ian Morrell | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Wood Science and Engineering
Okkake-Daisen-Tsugi: The Construction Process and Mechanical Behaviour of Glued Laminated Traditional Japanese Timber Joints
Ange Ndayishimiye | Columbia University
Masters: Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Parametric Open Data for Life Cycle Assessment (Pod|LCA): A Comprehensive, Open-Source and Dynamic Tool for Whole Building Life-Cycle Assessment
Lieke Droog | University of Washington
Doctorate: Environmental and Forest Sciences
Pre-Fabricated Mass Timber Modular ADU Prototype Adaptable to the Steep Hillsides of Southern California
Juan Bugarin | Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Masters: Mass Timber Design
Reuse, Recycle, Incinerate, or Landfill? LCA-based Environmental Implications of End-of-Life Scenarios for Mass Timber Buildings
Christina Bjarvin | University of Washington
Doctorate: Environmental and Forest Sciences
Structural Fire Engineering of Mass Timber Structures
Julie Liu | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Civil Engineering
Studies on CLT Panels as Structural Elements in Timber-Steel Composite Floor Systems
Hugh Merryday | Auburn University
Masters: Civil Engineering
Testing of End-Notched Timber Beams with Circular Arc Tapers
Nick Thielsen | Oregon State University (research performed while at Princeton University)
Masters: Civil Engineering and Wood Science (research performed for Bachelors thesis)
The Behavior of Intermodular Connections for High-Rise Modular Buildings Under Seismic Hazards
Juan Sebastian Zambrano Jaramillo | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Civil Engineering
Understanding Industry-Wide Awareness of the Circular Economy in the Mass Timber Industry and Perceived Barriers and Potentials
Namhyuck Ahn | Oregon State University
Doctorate: Wood Science and Civil Engineering
Up In Flames: (de)Construction Within the Fire Cycle
Abigail McCarthy | Syracuse University
Bachelors: Architecture