
Here’s a deeper dive into the sections you’ll find in the report:
Feature Stories
Compelling articles featuring relevant places, ideas and information.
Mass Timber Performance Index
An in-depth technical and economic overview of the state of mass timber.
Chapter Titles
Organized and grouped by over-arching topics, the report is divided into multiple chapters, each featuring articles and case studies for handy reference.
Case Studies
Detailed articles written by industry leaders on specific projects and topics (see list below) and featured within chapters of the Report.
Advertiser Index
Index of the list of invaluable partners who support the Report each year.
View the 2024 Advertiser Index
News Highlights
A compilation of the most popular news releases shared by Forest Business Network’s CEO, Craig Rawlings, based on social media analytics.
IMTC Highlights
A brief photo history essay of the record-setting 2023 International Mass Timber Conference. We hope this is a fun way to revisit the some of the highlights and if you’re new – to give you a sense of what the event is all about.
Mass Timber Terminology Glossary
Our authors have curated a list of the most common terms used in the report along with short definitions. We envision this being a living document, updated each year as new terminology arises along with input from readers.
View the Mass Timber Terminology Glossary
Other Ideas for Consideration
What else would you like to see in the report? Submit your ideas below.