McDonalds (2024)

Source: Arcos Dorados; Credit: Fernando Ctenas
Project Owner: Arcos Dorados
Project Location: Avenida Bernardino De Campos, 307, Paraíso, São Paulo, SP, 04004-040, BRAZIL
Completion Date: August 30, 2023
Architect/Designer: Superlimão
Mass Timber Engineer/Manufacturer: Urbem
General Contractor/Structural Engineer: Noah Tech Brasil
THE CONSTRUCTION OF a McDonald’s on Avenida Paulista in São Paulo features mass timber, a pioneering initiative in a country where the use of this material is still largely unexplored. In Brazil, the culture of construction with mass timber is progressing slowly compared to in other countries that have widely adopted this sustainable approach. That one of McDonald’s most iconic stores embraces this practice is a significant step toward scaling up in Brazil.

Source: Arcos Dorados; Credit: Fernando Ctenas
In its first year of operation, Noah identified Arcos Dorados (McDonald’s) as a potential partner for spreading the culture of mass timber in Brazil. As Arcos Dorados had initiatives in place in other countries, the challenge to introduce this construction method was accepted and implemented with dedication from the McDonald’s engineering team and key partners in the technical team in Brazil.
Mass timber construction is sustainable, as the technique uses materials from reforestation that are renewable sources. In addition, mass timber has the remarkable ability to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), helping mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In the case of this McDonald’s unit, it’s estimated that the structure can capture and store up to 136 tons of CO2, representing a positive environmental impact—the equivalent of a 12 percent reduction in CO2 emissions when considering the entire construction.
The significance of this project goes beyond direct environmental benefits. The construction of a McDonald’s store on Avenida Paulista, a location of great visibility and importance in Brazil, makes the adoption of mass timber more tangible for society. McDonald’s is a globally recognized brand, and this initiative serves as a practical example for the general public, demonstrating that it’s possible to build large-scale structures with sustainable materials.
This project can raise awareness about the importance of sustainable construction in Brazil and influence future projects. Moreover, it demonstrates the feasibility of the approach, contributing to cultural and educational shifts in the country. The unit boasts over 60 sustainability attributes, with 25 of them already mandatory in other McDonald’s units. This innovation also extends to operational and management practices adopted in the unit.
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