Brian Brashaw
Assistant Director
USDA Forest Service
Brian Brashaw is the Assistant Director for the USDA Forest Service, State & Private Forestry, Wood Innovations Program. The Wood Innovations Program supports the development of wood products and wood energy markets to reduce wildfire risk and enhance long-term, sustainable management of America’s forests. Wood Innovations has helped the entire mass timber sector grow and expand through 250+ federal grant investments in manufacturing and buildings, education and building project assistance, special communication initiatives, and technical assistance. Wood Innovations focuses on building markets for wood products, working collaboratively and strategically to advance forest products markets to support sustainable forest management, carbon-storing building materials, and economic development.
For over 30 years, Brian has focused on supporting the connection between forestry and forest products, helping support and advance wood products through research, market development and outreach. Brian earned a BS degree in Forestry from the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, a MS degree in Wood Materials Engineering from Washington State University, and a PhD in Forest Resources from Mississippi State University.