Kathryn (Katie) Fernholz
Dovetail Partners
Kathryn (Katie) Fernholz is president/CEO of Dovetail Partners, a non-profit environmental think tank based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (www.dovetailinc.org). Kathryn is a forester by training with 24+ years of experience in the forest sector. Her career has focused on sustainability concerns, including small-holder and family forestry, community-based decision making, supply-chain assurances, and certification. She is an experienced lead auditor for forest certification assessments having served on audit teams for industrial, Tribal, public, and family forest lands. She has led projects addressing urban forest management and urban wood utilization. Since 2010, Kathryn has been an author addressing policy and green markets in the Forest Products Annual Market Review prepared by the FAO/UNECE. Kathryn served as chair of the Minnesota Society of American Foresters and was appointed to the Minnesota Forest Resources Council in 2002 and 2019. She is past chair for the Board of Trustees for the American Forest Foundation and a member of the Steering Committee for the Women’s Forest Congress. Kathryn has a B.S. in Forest Resources from the University of Minnesota.