Patrick Hopple
LERA Consulting Structural Engineers
Patrick L. Hopple, P.E. is a Partner at LERA Consulting Structural Engineers. With the firm since 2006, he specializes in the design of architecturally-exposed structural steel and architectural concrete structures, and has extensive experience in a variety of government, cultural, educational, and healthcare facilities.
Pat is a primary contributor to the firm’s Analysis and Modeling Standards Committee, and directs LERA’s Impact and Disproportionate Collapse Analysis, and Research and Development efforts. A leader in LERA’s federal practice, Pat was the Project Director for the design, investigation and seismic risk assessment of several U.S. New Embassy Compound (NEC) and New Consulate Compound (NCC) projects in over 15-countries worldwide. He has led research and development efforts for the application of mass timber and rammed aggregate earth in diplomatic facilities; alternate concrete technologies in diplomatic facilities; high-wind hazards and climate resiliency for diplomatic facilities; and has co-authored a new concrete performance specification for the overseas federal projects.
Pat has been a continuing Adjunct Assistant Professor of Architecture at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. He is also a member of a number of professional organizations, including SEAoNY, AISC and CTBUH.