Thursday, March 28, 2024
8:00 AM – 9:15 AM
KEYNOTE | How To Build the World We Want To See
Portland Ballrooms (Level 2, South Side)General
Sponsored by Skanska
1.0 AIA LU/HSW (and 0.1 ICC credits)
Keynote Presentation and Speaker
Emily Pilloton-Lam has spent the past 16 years working alongside youth, specifically young women, designing and building full-scale architectural projects for their communities. She believes that by investing in a rising generation of diverse youth through the act of building, we can raise up the entire construction industry as an example of equity and social impact.
Her presentation will highlight architectural projects by youth, the value of community-driven design/build, and stories of young women who are poised to lead the construction field. She will inspire and invite you to reimagine the industry’s fundamental structures and embrace a brave, inclusive, and audacious future.